Dec 27, 2008

Some tips and shortcuts that can save the day!!

  1. Shift+File gives you a Close All option
  2. Shift+Edit gives paste as picture/link.
  3. Cntrl+' allows you to copy the formula just above exactly i.e. all the cell reference 'as is' without automatic changes that occur when you simply copy the forumla.
  4. Select a range, type a formula (or constant), press Cntrl+Enter. This will put the same formula (or constant) in all the cells in one shot (Try combining this with point 4 above!)

  1. Adding a shortcut link (say to a folder) in " C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\SendTo" adds it to the right click windows menu. This can be useful. For example, now if you want to copy any file to the added folder, just right click that file and 'send it' to this link in the right click menu under the category "Send to".

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