Dec 27, 2008

Formatting and presentation quality

I was just wondering that: Shouldn't they provide more fonts (at least arial narrow, my favorite font these days!!)for blog formatting

Months later I realize: Let me not focus at all on the font.. the default is good enough... the energy i save by not worrying too much about the formatting can be put to good use elsewhere in 'content quality'...

BTW, I still care a lot about presentation quality and consistency where it needs less effort to accomplish and has more long-term impact on my output (the most imp example of such a document is the Resume/CV)... so i consistently have been using Arial narrow (10-11 pts) in Word, Sans Serif (10 pts) in Excel and Tahoma in PowerPoint. And yes, there's Lucida Console (10 pts) in Notepad!!

What's your take on the importance of formatting and presentation quality?

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